It’s time to Change the Rules – May Day 2018

Join us this May Day to Change The Rules Saturday 5 May, 10am Victoria Square In the spirit of challenging the fairness of the current system, the 2018 Adelaide May Day march will be calling for the current IR system to be overhauled – The …

May Day – Pagans, Commies and Workers

Pagan Origins The first May Day celebrations were Roman and Medieval fertility festivals. The Romans honoured Flora, goddess of spring. The Celts celebrated Beltane. The Teutons celebrated Walpurgis. Diana, Herne, witches, The Green Man and Maid Marian were central to the various Northern Hemisphere celebrations. …

Historic Change Will Impact Catholic Primary Staff

With falling enrolments and the transition of Year 7 to secondary schools, employment in Catholic primary schools will be impacted in the near future. Hopefully jobs in secondary schools will expand, but there are no guarantees. In this time of significant change, the word redundancy …

So Who Was Muriel Matters?

Muriel Matters was an Australian born teacher and courageous activist. She campaigned fiercely for the right of women to participate fully in society by having the right to vote. She also championed women and children’s rights and living standards more broadly, but was largely forgotten …

School Leaders Wear Multiple Hats

There is a commonly encountered myth, particularly amongst Catholic Principals and Deputies, that they either cannot or should not belong to the union. Nevertheless we do have a Principal & Deputies sub-branch and from time to time our Principal members do need our industrial assistance …

Farewell to Carly Dale

In March we said farewell to a dear colleague and friend Carly Dale. Carly joined the IEU 18 years ago, she is our longest serving staff member. She worked in our administration team and what she did not know about membership was not worth knowing. …