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Evidence Requirements for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

The NCCD Evidence Fact Sheet seeks to provide guidance to non-government schools and school systems to make the school wide NCCD administration as streamlined as possible, while ensuring that essential evidence is made available. It provides guidance on what is required, what is not required, and links to useful resources to assist schools to better understand and respond to the evidence requirements for the NCCD.

The NCCD Model

The collection of nationally consistent data is intended to:

  • inform educational planning and policy development at national and jurisdictional levels
  • assist education authorities and schools to make more effective provision for students with disability and improve their educational outcomes
  • capture all students receiving adjustments to support their access and participation in learning due to a disability – not just those with a medical diagnosis. The annual collection is more than a count of the number of students with disability; it aims to ensure better support for these students becomes routine in the day-to-day practice of schools.

Continuous improvement in the collection, with a particular focus on achieving data that are robust, valid, and reliable, is supported through regular and formal review of the data collection process.

Keep your evidence simple

DESE strongly encourages school staff responsible for gathering evidence not to create unnecessary documentation.

Additional documentation to verify existing evidence is contrary to the expressed aims of the NCCD assurance process.

IEU Evidence Gathering Poster – simplifying your process

To assist members with the evidence gathering process, the IEU made on-going representation to the DESE about the need to clarify the reasonable expectations of evidence collection in the face of often unreasonable and inconsistent employer demands.

You can download our A3 poster here or by clicking the image above.

Got questions? Contact our office on 8410 0122 or email


You can download the NCCD Evidence Requirements Fact Sheet here

Visit the DESE website for more NCCD information: