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Meet your IEU(SA) Leadership Team

This is the third article in ‘Meet your IEU(SA) Teams’ and this time we will introduce our Leadership Team of the SA Branch of the IEU.

Whilst the union employs staff in various positions for day-to-day functionality, any financial member can nominate for the IEU(SA) Executive when the elections are held or participate in various roles or committees.

Members can actively participate in the union in a number of ways: School (Sub-branch) Representative, Committee Member (eg. Equity Committee), actively engage with potential members at your school on the benefits of joining the IEU and participating in any actions such as rallies, marches and school votes.

So let’s meet the IEU(SA) Leadership Team.

Tim Oosterbaan
Branch Secretary

Tim has been at the IEU since 2013 and was elected to the Branch Secretary role in the 2022 Elections.

Prior to this, he worked as a teacher and Rep at a variety of Catholic Schools as well as overseas. He was the coordinator of pre-service teachers for the six years prior to his Branch Secretary appointment.

Meredith Farmer
Deputy Secretary, Lead Organiser
and Equity Committee Coordinator.

Meredith Farmer is an experienced unionist who came to us from the AEU, where she has worked as an Organiser and Industrial Organiser.

Prior to her union work she was a teacher who worked in both Primary and Secondary settings as a Drama and Humanities specialist.

Meredith coordinates the Organisers and the Equity Committee as well as being the Organiser of a number of schools.

Executive Members (2023-2025) – elected by members.


  • Britta Jureckson

Vice Presidents:

  • Anthony Haskell
  • Jenny Johnson


  • Michael Francis

Ordinary Members of Executive:

  • Sue Bailey
  • Emily Button
  • John Coop
  • Ally Cunningham
  • Sheryl Hoffmann
  • Kathleen Johnson
  • Noel Karcher