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2024 – our year in review

This year in numbers

Your Union is responsive and gets outcomes

We have a fantastic group of staff who are here when you need it. The numbers above speak for themselves, and we have had a record year in many respects.

Our strength is in you.

Members working together, and the growth in Reps working with Organisers and staff, has been a positive change and one that is leading to these great outcomes.

These outcomes are worth sharing and a good reason to highlight why you are an IEU member.

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Changes to your membership experience

We have implemented a new database which allows us to help members more efficiently. You can now securely pay using a credit card and can opt to pay your fees fortnightly. The new member log in portal has a great new look and during 2025 will feature more information and useful documents as well as easier access to Union Shopper and training through our Online Learning Centre (in partnership with Teachers Learning Network).

Pay and conditions

This year we have completed 14 Enterprise Agreements including the Lutheran sector. Negotiations have concluded and approval is imminent for another two. 14 other negotiations will continue into 2025. Salary increases are now averaging around 4%.

State legislative changes

These legislated changes allow us to better represent you. One key example is the changes to Workplace Safety Laws, where we now have standing in the South Australian Employment Tribunal so that we can take matters up on your behalf when the regulator is unable to do so.

We are committed to continue working with the Malinauskas’ government on Social Media Reform and welcome the Federal Government bringing in controls around social media use for under 16’s.

Federal Government initiatives

In addition to what we have been doing in SA, our IEUA federal team has been involved in legislative change with the federal Labor government. There have been significant changes which enhance the rights of workers:

  • Multi-employer bargaining changes mean that there are now options and more rights for the IEU in the new procedures. For example, it is much more difficult for an employer to put a multi-enterprise agreement out to vote without the IEU’s approval.
  • The supported multi-employer bargaining stream which has seen the IEU (along with two other unions) lodge a joint application for Early Childhood Education and Care staff which has resulted in wages 15% above the modern award rates.
  • New delegates rights provisions will allow us to train more Reps to assist you in schools. And give Reps more rights and protection to do their role.
  • And what may prove to be the biggest improvement, when we can get the words right, is the right to disconnect so that for the first time teachers and support staff can have a clear definition of when it is reasonable to have contact.
  • Working with federal government agencies in relation to compliance and workload requirements has resulted in fact sheets which clarify workload requirements and what is excessive. These fact sheets are being used by IEU members nationally and locally to ensure that overcompliance does not become the employer expectation.