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Teacher Registration review of Board

The Teacher Registration and Standards Act 2004 (the Act) has not been subject to significant legislative review or amendment since 2005 and it is time to consider whether the Act continues to provide the best framework possible for a high quality teaching profession in South Australia

In response to this, the TRBSA seek your feedback about the current Act and potential changes which will be used to inform the development of potential amendments including the role and composition of the Board.

This discussion paper may assist with informing your feedback. It sets out some of the main features of the current Act and issues associated with its operation, relevant recommendations of the national review, and options for change.

Staff from the TRBSA have been meeting with stakeholders around South Australia to provide an opportunity for people to hear about and discuss the proposed changes. Session details and bookings can be made through Eventbrite via this web link:

You can also have your say online without attending a session through a ‘5-minute’ survey – which is completely anonymous.

Further information can be obtained by contacting the TRBSA

The TRBSA are seeking this stakeholder and community feedback by 31 May 2019.