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It “pays” to be a Union member.

Union checks calculation of redundancy payments finds extra $5K+

A recent spate of redundancies, some at a large Catholic school, made it apparent that proper process was not being followed by employers. Despite the protests of the employers to the contrary the Union was not consulted, advised or presented with information identifying that the correct criteria and selection processes had been followed.

At the insistence of the Union the process was revisited and the employer was required to follow the Change and Consultation clause from the enterprise agreement. While the outcome revealed that the redundancies were necessary, the Union was then able to identify and follow-up affected members.

When calculations provided to the member were checked by the Union a discrepancy, in excess of $5K in favour of the member, was found. The member was pleased with the outcome and support and comforted that they would be in receipt of their full entitlement.

At this this time of year we get numerous calls from members and non-members alike regarding redundancies. It is important for members to contact us as soon as possible on finding out about changes to their position so that we can ensure correct process has been followed and ensure any payments are correct. Unfortunately we cannot provide assistance to non-members so it is important to join the Union for access to assistance in the event it is required.