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Pre-service Teacher placements amid lockdown

Whilst this COVID lockdown may be a short in length, it has brought to light that schools and staff are having to adjust how they operate at short notice and for uncertain periods of time.

One of the key groups affected is Pre-service Teachers and their teacher-mentors.

Many placements were due to start in week 1 or 2 of this term, and whilst obviously not ideal that they begin in a lockdown, it does bring opportunities to learn in new ways.

At this stage, we don’t expect an extended lockdown, but we can learn from other states and indeed other countries. Many placements in the United States were completely remote placements.

Teaching and learning while in lockdown requires a change in approach and provides unique challenges. These will be different depending on the practicum requirements, eg. planning and teaching expectations, and access to resources. The vast majority of schools will proceed with a sensible response and make appropriate adjustments.

If you are a student member and your placement was affected feel free to make contact with me on 8410 0122 or

If you are a mentor and have experienced increased workload as a result of the lockdown, we would encourage you to speak to your coordinator and/or principal. If you don’t get a reasonable response then contact the IEU on 8410 0122 or and your school Organiser can talk through your options.

Tim Oosterbaan
Pre-service Teacher Coordinator