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Pre-service Teachers – start applying for jobs now!

As we transition into the new school year, opportunities for pre-service teachers arise for a number of reasons – now is the time to make sure your CV is up to date and to keep an eye out for job ads. While most jobs are advertised now, there can be some right through to the beginning of the new school year.

Particularly at this later point of the school year, schools are willing to take on new graduates, so we would encourage you to apply.

Positions will usually be advertised on employment pages such as and commercial job sites such as Seek and Careerone. For Catholic schools you may find that a job is only posted on the Catholic Education web site

The IEU can assist student members with information on Independent schools, which may be able to assist them to decide if a school is the right fit for them.

Contact with Tim for a confidential discussion – 8410 0122.

Be sure to remind other pre-service teachers from your university to join the IEU for free.