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Teachers Modern Award changes from 1 Jan 2022

Following a long running Equal Remuneration and Work Value case run by the IEU NSW/ACT Branch, the Teachers Award has, amongst other changes:

  • Replaced the 12 step classification system with 5 levels aligned to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and Full Teacher Registration, and,
  • introduced significant pay rises.

What do members need to do?

Member in schools without an Enterprise Agreement, and paid under the award, will need to ensure that their classification is appropriate under the revised award and that the appropriate pay rise flows through. IEU members can contact their school Organiser for more advice: 8410 0122.

Members in schools paying above the award but without the benefit of an Enterprise Agreement will need to check to see if their salary is still above award rates under the new classification system. It will not be necessary to re-classify people under the new scheme other than to just check if the new award rates have not been undercut.

Members covered by an Enterprise Agreement will not need to do anything. The agreement classification system doesn’t need to change and the agreement rates continue to apply. Enterprise Agreements totally displace the underpinning awards.

Further reading

The full determination can be accessed at

In time a consolidated version of the award will be available.