The power of your collective action – an IEU(SA) EA Bargaining Case Study
Members who follow IEU(SA) on social media will be aware of our updates declaring ‘Union Wins’ at various workplaces, through the success of members acting collectively to achieve better outcomes.
Andrew Strom of the Employees International Union, New York, notes: “When workers start to organize, employers often convey the message that organizing is futile. And workers who have never engaged in collective action, may believe that it’s not worth trying, either because they don’t think their co-workers will stick together, or because they fear that their employer is just too powerful.”
“As long as workers are willing to band together they may still have power to extract concessions from their employer.”
Our social media messages confirm exactly what Andrew states, when you and your colleagues organise and act collectively with the support of the IEU, you can negotiate for better outcomes at your workplace.
Mount Barker Waldorf School – a successful collective action case study
In September 2024, the Mount Barker Waldorf School (MBWS) 2024 Enterprise Agreement (EA) was approved by the FairWork Commission (FWC).
This new EA contained numerous benefits and improvements to the previous EA, ensuring fairer conditions and better compensation, thanks to the relentless efforts and solidarity of our members.
Collective action is not just about pursuing a salary increase. Whilst this may be a key claim, negotiating for better conditions or other compensation can significantly improve the outcomes of EA bargaining for members.
At MBWS, members achieved the following in their new EA:
- Long Service Leave change – 1-week blocks of leave can be taken at a time. This is a huge step forward in providing more flexibility and work-life balance.
- Camp Allowance Improvements – increases in allowances to $150 per night Monday to Thursday and $400 per day on the weekends or 1 day in lieu and $150.
- 10 grace days of additional leave for Non-Teaching Staff during the Christmas and New Year period.
- Criteria-based allowance for Non-Teaching Staff – Step 1 – $1500. Step 2 – $3000. This new allowance recognises and rewards the valuable experience and dedication of non-teaching staff.
- Removal of Junior Rates! This means fair and equal pay for all our members, regardless of age.
- 12% salary increase for ALL members.
These significant outcomes underscore our commitment to helping members achieve equitable treatment and compensation for everyone.
As you can see, a salary increase is just one of many aspects you can add to your Log of Claims when bargaining for your new EA.
When you and your colleagues organise and act collectively with the support of the IEU, you have the platform to enter negotiations with options that your employer may be willing to accept and include.
Let’s continue to stand strong and push for more positive changes together!
Contact your IEU Organiser if your wish to discuss this further: 8410 0122 or