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TRB Petition – we need 10,000 signatures urgently

Your urgent attention and action is required!

It is critical for the teaching profession that the proposed amendments to the Act are not passed by Parliament.

Passing these amendments increases the likelihood of the teaching profession no longer be represented by the profession for the profession. The amendments include:

  • removing Union nominees (both IEU and AEU) from the Teachers Registration Board of South Australia (TRBSA);
  • removing the requirement for 50% of the TRBSA Board members to be teachers;
  • enable the Minister to select every member of the TRBSA Board.

Listen to the voice of reason!

Click here to listen to Anthony Haskell, current member on the TRBSA and Vice President of the IEU, explain the absolute importance of keeping unions and 50% representation by teachers on the TRBSA Board.

Action the petitions – we need 10,000 signatures

Last week we sent this Petition to all members. We are now sending you a copy to make sure that as many copies are circulated around your school as possible. Any adult can sign – members, non-members, support staff, parents or interested citizens. We must have 10,000 signatures to trigger a review of the proposed amendments to the Teachers Registration and Standards Act.

Please print some of these petitions and place them in staff pigeon holes, on the staffroom table, on the reception desk or wherever else you think you might be able to collect signatures.

The petitions are still being collected so that they can be presented to Parliament before the Bill is next debated. If you are not able to deliver them to the IEU office contact us (8410 0122) and our Organisers can collect them from you. Please note that standard Australia Post Mail may take 5 working days to deliver if mailing.

What we need you to do

  1. Email confirmation to confirming that you have printed and distributed copies to staff and others at your school to this address
  2. Create discussion with all adults to ensure they understand the importance of this petition and urgency to collect any adult signature in protest.
  3. Collect all petitions with signatures and post to our office, or, drop them off.

Time is of the essence! We must all take action now to stop these amendments to the Act.
The Amendments to the Legislation here