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2023 IEU(SA) Reps of the Year – who would you nominate?

The IEU(SA) Reps of the Year Awards recognise the dedicated work of our Sub-Branch Reps (Sub-Branch being your school/site) as they look to organise and help members at your school and to increase their collective voice through active recruitment of potential members. Reps are a vital connection between Union members and the Union staff.

Remember: YOU, along with all other members, are The Union.

What is an IEU Rep and what do they do?

The IEU Sub-Branch Representative (Rep) has a vital role in the IEU’s work protecting members’ rights and entitlements and, as such, the role comes with certain rights and responsibilities.

The Sub-Branch is the most important part of the IEU’s structure as it is the vital link between the members, the IEU office and the workplace.

Reps can also assist members as support in meetings and assist with school matters, working closely with IEU office staff.

IEU rules allow multiple Sub-Branch Reps, working as a team, with your Organiser. This enables tasks to be shared and each Rep to use their strengths or knowledge of the work site or employees.

Roles of IEU Reps:

  • promote a positive image of the IEU to workplace participants
  • approach new staff and potential members about joining the IEU
  • pass on Union information to members
  • identify and organise around workplace matters in conjunction with the Organiser
  • call and run Sub-Branch meetings of members
  • take issues of Sub-Branch concern to IEU Organisers
  • may be ex-officio on Consultative Committee (see individual Enterprise Agreement (EA) clause)
  • support members in meetings with management (in conjunction with Organiser)
  • attend training events such as conference and union Professional Learning sessions

Some of these are quite advanced skills and there is no expectation that a new rep would do all of these tasks. As Reps develop in the role, they will be able to handle more and more issues locally.

IEU Organisers are only an email or a phone call away if any Rep needs to talk through any matters.

Do you have a proactive and informative IEU Rep at your school?

When you look at the list of roles (above) of the IEU Rep, do you have a proactive and informative Rep at your school? If you do, nominate them by clicking the button below:

Click here to nominate a member for Rep of the Year

The Union wants the most capable and well-respected members as Reps. If you want to assist as a Rep at your school, you can let us know that as well. We will assist you with training and support. Need more information? :