IEU Speaks: School employers have nothing to fear from modern community standards

22 March 2024 School employers have nothing to fear from modern community standards The ALRC Report to the Federal Government lays out common-sense updates to the special discriminatory privileges afforded to faith-based school employers. The Australian community rightly rejects discrimination on the grounds of sex, …

What to do if you are injured at work?

Every employee has the right to a safe and healthy workplace under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (‘Act’). All employers have a duty to provide a safe and healthy workplace and to consult with their employees about health and safety issues. At first glance, schools …

Enterprise Bargaining update – what is happening around the sectors

Your IEU Organisers and Industrial Team have been very busy negotiating new Enterprise Agreements (EAs). Here is a quick snapshot of the EAs that have had noteworthy progress. All IEU members should take the time to read this article as it demonstrates how collective action …

Gender Pay Gap – how does YOUR employer rate and IWWD March

In the lead up to International Women’s Day (IWD) the Australian Government’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) released the Gender Pay Gap (GPG) data for all businesses with 100 or more employees. This is now an annual requirement of employers with 100 or more staff. The …

Meet your IEU(SA) Leadership Team

This is the third article in ‘Meet your IEU(SA) Teams’ and this time we will introduce our Leadership Team of the SA Branch of the IEU. Whilst the union employs staff in various positions for day-to-day functionality, any financial member can nominate for the IEU(SA) …

IEU members tell AITSL about the crucial work of Education Support Staff

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) has heard first-hand just how important teacher assistants are in schools. In online forums on February 19 and 20 teachers and teaching assistants provided feedback to help AITSL develop guidelines to support the optimal deployment of …

Teachers Registration Board nominations sought

Are you currently a practicing teacher and interested in being an IEU(SA) nomination for the Teachers Registration Board? We are seeking expressions of interest from suitable members for these vital roles. The IEU(SA) is able to nominate two members and two deputy members for a …

Big moments for Australian education

It’s easier to work out where you’re going if you know where you’ve been. That’s why NGS partnered with The Squiz, to create the podcast series ‘How Far We’ve Come’. So far we’ve delivered 2 six-part series which you can listen to on your favourite …

IEUA Speaks: Report into special discrimination privileges for schools long overdue

21 March 2024 Federal government must not delay election commitment All workers, including every IEU member, is entitled to work free from discrimination. Our community expects that employers can’t lawfully discriminate due to an employee’s sex, sexual orientation, marital status or pregnancy. Yet special privileges …

IEU(SA) Formal Notifications to Members – 2023 Audited Financials

The audited financial statements of the IEU(SA) Branch, including the operating report, can be accessed via the member section of the website.   Login in to Member’s Area of the IEU(SA) Website – Click Here At the bottom of the member’s area screen there are …