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Enterprise Bargaining update – what is happening around the sectors

Your IEU Organisers and Industrial Team have been very busy negotiating new Enterprise Agreements (EAs). Here is a quick snapshot of the EAs that have had noteworthy progress.

All IEU members should take the time to read this article as it demonstrates how collective action from members and the IEU Team can negotiate for better outcomes at your school.

Temple Christian College, The Hills Christian School, Portside Christian School and Dara School are about to start their EA negotiations, look for updates in future Class Action editions.

Westminster School

EA negotiations were closed by the school, choosing to put a proposed EA to vote.

One significant issue remained unresolved – the updating of the existing classification structure for non-teaching staff. As a consequence the IEU is running a vote No campaign.

Throughout negotiations, the employer has stated the classification structure is sound, and salaries are benchmarked against market forces including like schools and staff are not underpaid or under classified relative to their peers.

In contradiction to this, the existing structure has no stream titles, no indicative job titles and a minimum of indicative duties.

Further, the employer has now identified non-teaching staff salaries are benchmarked against the Modern Award – that is the safety net minimum salaries.

On that basis the IEU’s view is the classification structure is fatally flawed and salaries are well below where they should be.

A No Vote, if successful, will force the employer to return to the table to address the issue.

Lutheran Schools

Following broader consultation with elected IEU Sub-branch Reps and members, and further negotiations with the employer earlier in the term, formal negotiations for the new Lutheran EA have concluded given that the majority of matters put forward by both parties have been agreed. (Review our article December 2023 for details, click here).

There is still the outstanding matter of teacher workload specifically in relation to administrative tasks.

The IEU are working with LESNW to reach agreement on inclusion of clauses requiring each site within the life of the agreement to conduct a review of the current allocation of resources to support the administrative workload of teachers, and as necessary, accommodate adjustments to enhance this support. The intention is that such a review, if agreed, will occur within agreed consultative processes and timelines.

The IEU is hopeful that this outstanding matter will be resolved soon and the proposed EA can proceed to ballot. Please keep an eye on your emails for further updates.

Mount Barker Waldorf School

Enterprise Bargaining has commenced for Mount Barker Waldorf. Negotiations to date have been positive, and the union has been outlining claims.

The employer is yet to table all of its claims, however, they have responded to the union claims. Salary, paid parental leave, camp allowances and workload appear to be points for further discussion.

The IEU Claim includes:

  • Increased salary of 5.5% or Annual Wage Review or CPI
  • National Employment Standards Updated. (Agreed)
  • Paid Parental Leave 20 weeks, with super to be paid.
  • Access to further parental leave not bound to return to service and 12 month qualifying.
  • Paid parental leave to apply to all employees where the period has extended beyond 12 months.
  • Long Service Leave to be available in blocks of 1 week. (Agreed)
  • Teacher Workload

Non-Teaching Staff specific claims:

  • Paid Grace Days
  • Improvements to the classification structure including criterion based increment
  • Increased recreation Leave

Pinnacle College

After a positive EA negotiation process negotiators have managed to get good increases which sees staff maintain or exceed department rates of pay by the end of the agreement: 4% Feb 2024, 4% Feb 2025, 4.5% Feb 2026. Significantly, Support Staff will now be included in the EA. Also achieved was an increase to Paid Parental leave to 15 weeks and payment of Super on this amount and Redundancy provisions which match other schools.

Scotch College

The EA negotiations have concluded and with an overwhelming YES vote means that some significant improvements will flow. An increase to Parental Leave payments to 20 weeks and the counting of service on this time is a significant boost and while it is gender blind we know that this payment is one that benefits women. TRT’s will now be paid at their incremental step, rather than the graduate rate. This is a significant improvement and one that our TRT members have welcomed. Graduate teachers will now have to gain Proficient status before they move incremental steps. All support staff will now have access to Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) and for any Overtime worked they will be able to choose payment or TOIL.

Kings Baptist Grammar School

Negotiations have closed and the proposed EA is to be put to a vote, with the support of IEU members.

Outstanding features of this negotiation are:

1. A significant upgrading of the school assistants’ classification structure.
This brings far greater depth and clarity to classification and expectations related to roles
2. A significant upgrading of Appendix C Teacher Workload.
While the most important feature relates to the inclusion of maxima related to student contact time/face- to-face time for teachers, there are also new definitions of categories of workload and far greater detail attached to all definitions which will better clarify limits and expectations.
3. The introduction of
a)      an overnight allowance of $100 for attendance at camps applicable to teachers and school assistants.
b)      an entitlement to two days paid Family Events Leave, non-accruing.
4. Salary:
a)    Increases paid in full at the commencement of each school year.
b)    Increases of 3% (2024) + 3% (2025) + 3% (2026).
In 2024 that will put a Step 10 teacher ($118,154 per annum) into the top 10 salaries for teachers in SA (at current rates).

Pembroke School

Pembroke School is currently to ballot for a new agreement.

Members have won the following improvements to conditions.

  • Salary Increases of 4.5%, 3.75% and 3.25% (the final increases may be reviewed.)
  • Inclusion in the dispute clause of any other matter.
  • Right to disconnect provisions based on the modern award.
  • Fatigue Guidelines to be developed within 6 months, to ensure greater safety for staff and manage the working of long hours. EG camps, driving school buses after school hours.
  • A new clause to manage workload when the school introduces new initiatives.
  • New Stand-down provisions for non- teaching staff.
  • A review of Co-Curricular Activities, including workload and payment, with agreed changes implemented in 2025.
  • A reduction in face-to-face teaching of 40 minutes in 2025, and 90 minutes in 2026, with a new definition of face to face teaching that includes pastoral care.
  • Lactation breaks and suitable facilities to be provided.
  • Prenatal and fertility treatment special leave.
  • Improved Foster Carers leave of 18 weeks if the child is under 5, and 4 weeks if the child is 5 and over.
  • Domestic Violence Training for Leaders, and an enhanced DV clause.
  • Updated parent behaviour policy to be developed within 6 months.
  • Revised WHS framework to address positive duty around psychosocial hazards to be completed within 3 months.
  • A staff consultative committee clause in the agreement, with guaranteed IEU representation on the committee.