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Big moments for Australian education – NGS Super

It’s easier to work out where you’re going if you know where you’ve been. That’s why earlier this year NGS partnered with The Squiz, to create the podcast series ‘How Far We’ve Come’.

So far the partnership has delivered 2 six-part series which you can listen to on your favourite podcast player.

Series 1. ‘How Far We’ve Come’Financial Equality

The first series explored Australian women’s journey to financial equality – take a listen to what we found out.

Series 2. ‘How Far We’ve Come’Education

Helping and supporting education professionals is something that we’re passionate about at NGS. It’s been our focus and reason for being for over 35 years. So in series 2 of How Far We’ve Come we’ve covered a subject close to our hearts and the hearts of our members – education.

In this series we look at some of the big moments in Australian education, how and why the system is set up the way it is, how it works and its role in preparing our children and teenagers for the future. Episodes include:

  1. The birth of compulsory and free education in Australia
  2. the rise of vocational education
  3. free university education vs HECS
  5. the Gonksi Review
  6. Technology and AI’s role in the future of education.

Have a listen today. We hope you learning more about the challenges and triumphs that teachers and students have faced over the past 100 years.