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Get 6 weeks’ free cover from Teachers Health

Compare award-winning health cover for the education community

Did you know that Teachers Health is the health fund for the education community, trusted by over 370,000 teachers, school professionals and their families across Australia? And the good news is that as a member of the IEU, you and your family (including your kids, parents, siblings and more) are welcome to join.

Best of all, IEU members get 6 weeks’ free cover and 2 & 6 month waits waived on Extras* if you join with Hospital & Extras cover this month!

If you’re ready, you can join Teachers Health now.

Why do many IEU members choose Teachers Health?

  • Teachers Health has won awards for value for money, outstanding customer satisfaction for Hospital and Extras cover, trust and sign-up experience.
  • It’s a not-for-profit fund, which means they aim to give members better value through lower premiums and more back as benefits.^
  • Having private health insurance lets you skip long public hospital waits, choose your own doctor and get money back for things like dental, optical, chiro, massages and even potentially gym membership.
  • They provide extra health and wellbeing support to eligible members for things like health conditions, having a baby and mental wellness.
  • Your eligible adult kids can stay on your cover until they turn 32.
  • They support the education community through scholarships, sponsorships, research and more.

 See what Teachers Health can do for you

To see if you can get better value on your health cover, head to or call their helpful team on 1300 764 288. You can even use their comparison tool to compare any other health cover with theirs in just a few minutes!

So why not compare their cover today?

*Eligibility criteria and conditions apply. Offer is available to new members who join Teachers Health with Hospital & Extras cover, or StarterPak (Basic Plus) before 31 October 2023. Six weeks’ free health cover applies after the first premium payment has been received. Two and six month waiting periods are waived on Extras services only. Enter the promo code ‘SIX’ when joining online.

^On average, not-for-profit funds including Teachers Health have returned more of members’ premiums back in insurance benefits than for-profit funds. Source:  In 2022, they delivered one of the lowest average premium increases across the private health insurance industry (2.17% compared to the industry average of 2.70%). Source: Teachers Health Annual Report 2022.