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SA Government Declares War on Teachers


The SA Teachers Registration Board is about undergo radical change if the government gets its way. We have until November 8th for comment.

The TRB is totally funded by teachers but the proposal is to remove the requirement for any registered or practicing teachers to be on the board.

The board size is likely to be halved with appointments based on “the opinion of the minister” and the profession at risk of being controlled by 8 faceless bureaucrats.

The role of the teacher unions has been totally excised despite decades of valuable contributions by the IEU and AEU to the profession.

The Teacher Registration and Standards Act would be better named the Child Protection (Schools) Act with the preoccupation with child protection and professional standards taking a back seat.

If the TRB is totally funded by teachers without tapping into the public purse, why would teachers be forced to pay anything to a board that totally excludes their involvement?

Draft Bill (linked below) is open for comment by stakeholders ahead of being taken to cabinet in December.

Teachers Registration and Standards Act – Amendments Marked Up. 18 October 2019 (2)

Members please provide feedback to with a subject line TRB review