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TRB SA Petition Update – 3 July 2020 – IEU meets with MLC.

IEU takes action on the TRB Bill via the Legislative Council of Parliament South Australia


IEU(SA) Assistant Secretary, Louise Firrell, and Secretary, Glen Seidel met with Hon. Connie Bonaros MLC Monday 15 June 2020 to express the IEU’s concerns in relation to the TRB Bill currently before the Legislative Council. Connie agreed, favouring 2 teacher representatives nominated by the IEU:

“We also filed our own amendments which provide for two Independent Education Union nominated Members on the Board. We consider this to be a more accurate reflection of non-government teacher representation and one which the Australian Education Union also indicated their support for.”

Read more from the links below:

Louise and Glen also met with Hon. Irene Pnevmatikos MLC and she was also supportive of the IEU position and the SA Best amendments to the Labor amendments of the Bill.

Support from Labor/Greens and SA Best

Susan Close MP also supported teachers and unions in the fight against proposed changes: “The Teachers’ Registration Board bill just went through the Legislative Council with Labor/ Green/ SA Best amendments to ensure at least half the board are teachers and their unions have a role in nominating them. Now over to the government to see if they’ll accept the changes..” – Listen to Susan Close MP at her Facebook Video post here.

Our union will continue to fight for majority teacher registration on the board as nominated by the unions.

The petitions will be presented to the House of Representatives when the Bill returns.

Final signatures are needed urgently – download a petition here