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What does Change the Rules Campaign mean for staff in non government schools?

The campaign is designed to raise awareness of the increasing insecurity of work for many people, stagnating wages and an inadequate minimum wage and job seeker allowance, eliminating the gender pay gap for women, improving superannuation for working women and the rights to flexible working arrangements to allow for balancing work and care commitments.

Staff in non government schools to some degree are not directly affected by some of these issues but many of the students you teach and their families are as will your children when they leave school.  Being part of a union movement is not just about improving your working conditions but it is about engaging in activities to improve the working lives of others in the community.

The IEU is part of this movement and organisers will be attending the rally at Parliament House Thursday 25 October in support. If you are free we encourage you to join us. We will have the IEU flags flying so it will be easy to find us.

We will be providing regular updates on campaign activities on Facebook, our website and via emails. Look out for Alfie, our campaign mascot who will head our news and posts until the end of the year.